Thursday, September 25, 2008



So, I know this isn't necessarily a blog about movies, but I have to say something about this one. No, I don't have to say something, I have to gush. Because this movie is fucking fabulous.

The plot is unremarkable. Ballet dancers getting murdered by witches in Germany. Standard fare. A bunch of stuff goes unresolved and it doesn't completely make sense. No matter!

What IS remarkable is how beautifully Suspiria is made. I'm a sucker for a good red, and the color in this movie is utterly sumptuous-- but the same could be said for the blood in Herschell Gordon Lewis' films. Suspiria's cinematography is magnificent, and the sets...good god the sets!!





Too good. Too fucking good. I mean, LOOK AT THAT!

Brilliant. Of course, the icing on the cake is the sinister, synthy score by Goblin. It helps to make Suspiria a legitimately creepy movie.

So go out and rent it! And if your video store doesn't have it, slap them hard across the face until they order it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goblin = Giorgio Moroder

PS have you seen a movie called Zombie (or Zombi 2)? also a great soundtrack