Monday, September 1, 2008


Milk products are probably one of my favorite parts of being alive. The past two days alone were saved by cheese and ice cream.

I remember going to some hippie-ass grocery store with my mom on Beverly Blvd. when I was about 10 to buy some soy milk. The woman at the register pointed out that humans are the only creatures to continue with dairy consumption after infancy, and we don't even drink human milk, we drink cow milk and goat milk and sheep milk.

My mind has wandered back to that day just about every time I've pondered the merits of dairy products. Cheese, butter, ice cream, whipped cream, or even a nice cold glass of milk-- all from cows, except for the occasional goat or sheep cheese. I wonder what breast milk tastes like. Human breasts, I mean. (Aren't animal breasts called "teets" instead of "breasts"?) Why don't we milk our women past being mothers of infants?

I guess the real reason I'm thinking about this is that I saw a video about an English mother who has continued to breastfeed her daughters well through early childhood. They talk about how it's the most wonderful taste in the world, and well, I think of cow products being the most wonderful taste in the world. What if someone made ice cream out of human breast milk? Or cheeses-- just think of how the varieties of cheese would expand if we introduced a whole different kind of milk to the mix!

Some people might call the practice of milking human women for culinary experiments "dehumanizing" or "disgusting," some might even say "sexist"! Well haters, enjoy your hypocritical cheese (and if you're a vegan hater, make that soy cheese).

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